2024 Call for Nurse Advocate Volunteers


Never in our lifetime has nurse advocacy been more important. Colorado Nurses Association knows that there is an RN in every county of Colorado, and in some frontier counties, the only health care provider is an RN.

Acknowledging that we are the largest single group of health care providers, and serve primarily on the front lines with patients in their health/illness journeys, we want to assure that every member of the Colorado State Senate and House of Representatives knows an RN constituent to contact on health care related legislative and regulatory work they are engaged in at the Capitol.

We know that every legislative and regulatory conversation is better when an RN is in the room and at the table.

Please consider volunteering to represent your community to your Senator and Representative in collaboration with Colorado Nurses Association Government Affairs and Public Policy Committee for the 2024 Legislative Session.

Volunteers for the 100 for 100 Initiative can participate in recurring Zoom meetings for the purpose of education, sharing information, and discussion.

Together, we can make a difference!

100 Nurses for 100 Legislators Volunteer Registration