Three options for advertising with CNA:

  1. To advertise a course or event with the Colorado Nurses Association, the course must meet the approval of the Executive Director to be posted to our website calendar and identified as a “paid advertisement.” Please include course description, objectives, etc. and a link to your registration page. You may also include a logo if available. The cost for this type of listing is $150/month. Fill out the form below to pay for online advertising.
  2. We can add your event in one of our email newsletters as a “paid advertisement,” with description, link, etc. The cost for a one time emailing is $250. We have over 1,700 members in Colorado. Fill out the form below to pay for online advertising.
  3. Banner advertising on each page of the website. This campaign consists of a horizontal leaderboard at the top of the page. Availability is limited – only 10 offered per year. Space 728p x 90p. TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THESE LIMITED OPPORTUNITIES, CONTACT OUR PUBLISHING PARTNER MULTIVIEW AT 972.402.7023 or [email protected]Click here for more information.

If you would like to advertise with CNA, please email the CNA Office at [email protected] with your course/event information to begin the process. DO NOT submit payment until receiving approval.

We do not sell our mailing list or email addresses.

Thanks for choosing to advertise with the Colorado Nurses Association. Please complete the form below and submit with the proper payment amount. If you have any questions, please contact the association office: 517-877-7302; [email protected].

Ad size: 728x90
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