CNA Board Nominations

Serving as a volunteer member of the Colorado Nurses Association Board of Directors is an important and time-consuming effort for the individuals who choose to run for these membership representative positions. Elections are held annually for a two-year term and rotate in such a manner that one-half of the Board of Directors rotate every year unless one chooses to run for two consecutive terms.
The President is a three-year term, the first year serving as a President-Elect to support leadership succession of the Association. Please review the CNA Bylaws for more specific information.
Your volunteer role as a member of the CNA Board has two primary aspects: fiduciary and supportive. Your fiduciary obligation is to balance the financial sustainability of the association and maximize member services. Your supportive role is to help make CNA work for our members and to assist in achieving our mission and strategic plan.
Please review the Major Roles and Responsibilities of the Board of Directors before considering running for a position on the Board.
The positions open for the 2024 election are all 2-year terms apart from the President-Elect:
  • President-Elect
  • Vice President
  • Treasurer
  • Region 2 Director 
  • Region 4 Director
  • Region 6 Director
  • Director SIG Representative
  • Nominating Committee (2 Candidates)